20 May 2014

AKross the Valley at Nesmon Cafe followed by Chef, the film.

Cafe Nesmon #nesmoncafe.com was somewhere I definitely wanted to linger much, much longer! I imagine sitting here on a warm summer's day, sipping, savoring, and people watching to my hearts content. Stress melts away with the afternoon heat. Absolutely delightful.

Now, for a brief intermission, as I run off to see Chef, #ChefTheFilm at the Galleria...OK, I'm back. I highly recommend this film. It was raw, inspiring, heartfelt, well acted, well written, and I immediately wanted the DVD and a food truck!

Luscious savory crepe, Ile de France, with brie, roasted peppers, and  bechamel.
It just wouldn't seem French without Crepe Suzette! Sweet creamy butter, sugar, orange liquor. :-)